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DIY Body Scrub

Detox, Moisturize & Exfoliate

Get Your Guaranteed Glow

Don't throw out those coffee grinds … Get yourself ‘summer ready’, and make yourself a DIY BODY SCRUB that's EASY, INEXPENSIVE and EFFECTIVE. This "recipe" has a trifecta of benefits: it's Detoxing & Moisturizing & Exfoliating (and did I mention cost efficient?) SachiSays:  Friends don't let friends run around with dry skin or spend a fortune on their beauty routines. Skin care doesn't have to be expensive to be effective or luxurious.

Once your dead skin has been exfoliated, your body’s largest organ can work more efficiently to expel toxins.

Why’s this one so good?

The caffeine found in coffee scrubs increases blood flow, giving your skin a more even tone. It may also reduce the appearance of cellulite. Adding sugar is a win too - Sugar contains glycolic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid that is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. YES PLEASE!


  • Yes, you can apply this to your face, but avoid delicate areas / skin closest around your eyes.

  • Breastfeeding mommas: don’t apply the scrub too closely to your breasts as your babies may not like the smell, affecting feeding.

To make it:

  1. Take a 1/2 used bottle of body oil (or purchase a new one) - A 4 oz. bottle is ideal

  2. Pour 1/2 into an extra bottle (maybe make another as a gift?)

  3. Mix in used coffee grinds - 3/4 cup or whatever you have on hand

  4. Add 1/2 cup Brown Sugar if desired (& not just because I am a fan of the Rolling Stones)

Scrub your body, either wet (recommended) or dry will do, with a short rinse off, and Voila! A Guaranteed Glow

SACHISAYS: Make a couple of batches and you've got GREAT homemade holiday, birthday or hostess gifts!