Staying Balanced & Healthy

The effect of the outbreak of Coronavirus and all the ways our lives have changed can be stressful. An invisible enemy can cause fear and anxiety, and all of our sudden life changes can cause us to temporarily spiral into unhealthy habits. Coping with stress in a healthy way makes you stronger and helps those around you to be calmer. Taking active steps to ensure you strengthen your immune system and check in with loved ones to ensure they’re following suit is especially important at this time. We are all in this together, and if we look at the positive, it will bring us closer and more connected.

Here are 10 tips to stay balanced and healthy, and reduce stress and anxiety:

1.  MOVE IT or SHAKE IT: Exercise regularly at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity. If you can, exercise with loved ones - the ones you’re sheltering at home with. Get outside to exercise ONLY if you can, and only if it’s safe to do so.

2.  BREATHE: Practice deep breathing for at least 5 minutes each day. Meditate and practice stillness - in any way that feels good to you - each day. You can use apps if needed for directed meditation and if you’d like some personalized instruction and guidance, call me!

3.  EAT HEALTHY: Sachi ALWAYS says, ‘eat healthy! ‘ Truly, it’s never been more critical to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Did you know? Refined sugary desserts feed viruses.

4.  REMEMBER SUPPORT SYSTEM: Stay in touch with loving, supportive, trusting family and friends. Technology can be your friend - consider a video call through FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype or Zoom. Seeing your family and friends in any way can be a powerful support. Someone having a birthday or special day? Schedule a group video call! Works well for happy hours too. :)

5.  FOCUS ON WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY: Use the time doing those activities that bring you joy and happiness as much as possible, when you’re not working or home schooling children. Now’s the time to learn that language or start your memoirs.

6.  STAY SMART: We’re being advised to stay home as much as possible so listen, wash your hands, keep your hands away from your face, and resist the urge to see others who seem ‘symptom-free.’ Be diligent and practice excellent hygiene and social distancing to protect yourself, your family and others.

7.  BE IN SERVICE: If you are able, and it is safe for you to do so, reach out to those more vulnerable with offers to pick up groceries or to stay in touch with a phone call. Call a friend and see who needs toilet paper.

8.  CULTIVATE GRATITUDE: Make a list of all the things you are grateful for. You’ll quickly see how many blessings you have. Bonus? Studies show Gratitude helps counteract depression and improve sleep and overall health.

9.  HEALTHY HABITS: Maintain a healthy routine and schedule. This includes fresh air, rand adherence to a regular, healthy sleep schedule.

10.  GET SUPPORT: Don’t be a hero. If you experience heightened anxiety, contact a mental-health professional - most are seeing patients over technology and / or doing phone sessions.